Tuesday, August 16, 2005

august 16

two small pieces, ready to ship out tomorrow. they are monoprints on cotton with stitching, and other media. even though my camera angle is crooked, the pieces are not, and they are moounted on stretched canvas...
it is amazing how long the details take: selecting, documenting and presenting work that is to go out into the world. it is all part of the "job" of course, but wouldn't it benice if the elves showed up to handle these things?


Gerrie said...

When you say small, how small are they? I used to do monoprints on paper with a press and would love to try on fabric. One of these days!!

laura said...

small: 6 x 13 " and 7 x 18".

monoprint on cotton: using gelatin plates, water based paints with a little textile medium added, [all sorts of things for the resists including leaves bubble wrap and incised lines] and a wooden spoon for the barren.

try it, don't wait! but be warned: once you start...