Saturday, April 02, 2005

April 2

already??? how did this happen? they say time flies whether you are having fun or not. it's a true story.
Friday i fly away to points East. Teaching in DC, visits with friends, my mother's big birthday. Four out of six siblings will be there. I have a hotel panned for the most intense part of the visit.
okay. the luggage is out and being staged. supplies are being gathered. the necessary paprework assembled and i only need another month or so. the good news, i'll be seeing Rayna on Friday! hooray!
In the gardens: daffodils, crocus, hyacinths making buds, the first periwinkle (vinca), and i spotted buds on the bergenia. but it is dust dry. It's too early to tell what perennials i've lost to drought this year.
I will have the first box of "Inspiring Creativity" Thursday, so can ship out before leaving in the wee hours Friday. sigh of relief.
If you are interested, see my web site for ordering info.

what else? big messes in the studio . Cathy, your mess is minor (grin).
Still have not filed taxes, probably need to file an extension. New work in process though. i find it easier to come home if there's something on the wall that i am interested in, so i try to get a piece to a point where i know what has to happen next and can't wait to get to it. All the transitions of traveling need to be faked out sometimes.
back to the packing. enjoy the weekend.

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